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Disabled? Make friends and get help at HandiNews International

Jasmine Birtles 15th Aug 2016 No Comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you have a disability? Would you like help and encouragement from others like you who have overcome their difficulties? 

Check out HandiNews International which is a go-to site for people with disabilities and their families.

4,000 people follow HandiNews International on Twitter and 11,000 on Facebook, because they want to share stories to help each other.

You can see the challenges others are facing, and find out what they’re doing to help themselves – and others. Just sign up for the HandiNews International Newsletter.

In the Newsletter you’ll see a sample of the stories people are sharing, plus a few important news articles. You can then click to see more in the forums of its website.

What will you see? Examples…

  • Disabled? Make friends and get help at HandiNewsColton was born paralyzed. His parents share how they learned to help their baby. They also held a fund-raiser, and said HandiNews International had helped them make the drive a success.
  • Lefty was born with one arm. He tells how he became a popular guitar player and band leader.
  • Children born with disabilities in Tanzania are treated as outcasts. “In Their Shoes” made a documentary to change people’s hearts.  The producers thanked HandiNews International for helping them raise the money to produce the movie.
  • The stories people post in the website then go out into Twitter and Facebook, where thousands of people see them. Many people reply.  A typical reaction of people who share is, “The replies were uplifting for me.”
  • HandiNews International also publishes news articles. One article, “Disabled Travelers’ Airline Horror Stories, But Help is On the Way…” tells how people and the courts work to stop abuses. You can find past news articles grouped together by what interests you – a disability, or a theme, such as travel.
  • And you can find, for any disability that is relevant to you, quick links to other websites to find information you need.


The Publisher

Disabled? Make friends and get help at HandiNewsCatherine Gogel was diagnosed with dyslexia as child. She grew up with the challenges that often confront people with disabilities.

In her teens, she worked as a volunteer with people who were visually handicapped, had autism, had cerebral palsy and other disabilities. She studied at University how to help and advocate for people with disabilities.

Recently, while she was in University, she asked her father, a website consultant, to work with her to create a specialist site. The forum she created, HandiNews International, now helps people to share information and resources for disabilities.

Join up!

One billion people have disabilities world-wide, according to the World Health Organization.

“Almost all of us will have a disability at some point in our lives,” according to the US National Institutes of Health.

Sharing information to help each other – to raise awareness – is one of our most powerful disabilities assets.

Click here now to sign up for the HandiNews International Newsletter. Don’t miss any issues. It’s free!

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Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

Jasmine Birtles

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